Saturday, November 2, 2013

My name is Leanne, I am 27, a single white female, a Virgo and I like longs walks on the beach....

People always seem to be curious as to what kind of man is my 'type'. It is a well known factoid that I am single. Along with being single, everyone always tries to hook you up with someone they know. Believe it or not, I don't really have a specific type that gets the kitty purring if you know what I mean. I've dated all different types of men, computer nerds, thugs, body builder steroid freaks, young guys who's balls just dropped, business men, students, and the list could go on. They all have one key factor in common....a penis. If you have a penis, you stand a chance. And a trait that goes well with having a penis is if no one else is claiming that penis. I'm not a fan of men who are married or in a relationship that try to be sneaky, you will get caught, and us bitches be cray cray , so you don't need that in your life. When you are in a relationship it's not acceptable to act as if pussy is an all you can eat Buffett and try to taste all the tacos you can from all different taco stands, eat at home homie, if you have a good, hearty meal at home, why go out to eat?! So if you are a cheater, you likely aren't my type. People always question what type of ethnic background I fancy in a man, and to be completely honest, if you lined up all the dick I've had in my life, it would look like a United Nations meeting. My vagina does not discriminate. She is an equal opportunist. If a guy comes up to me and makes me laugh right off the start it's a good sign, and if he can tell me a funny joke and has facial hair of some sort, chances are, he will be seeing my vagina sooner rather than later. I also need a guy to be slightly immature, immature enough to laugh at the word 'hyman', but mature enough to have a conversation and debates about important, more serious topics like, why did Doritos make 3D chips?! The age of a guy doesn't really matter, preferably young enough that you don't wear pastel coloured golf shirts and have a retirement villa in Florida, and you don't have grandchildren who are the same age as I am, but not so young that the only way I can calm you down during a fight is with a juice box and a cookie and an afternoon nap, and you're too young if the only reason you are dating me is so you have an adult to help you get in to watch rated R movies at the movie theatre. I like independent guys who aren't needy or clingy, I like when a guy understands I need my space and is okay with times where I want to be alone and read or write (aka watch Pornhub with no sound on and do comical voice overs to make the scenes way funnier) in another room while he watches tv or something, if I wanted someone to be around me all the time and never be able to get rid of you, I'd just get herpes. A man should be like a well trained erection...knows when to go away when you want him to, but is always there when you need him to be. I'm not really into guys with weird fetishes, to each their own, but somethings I'm just not into. Such as super intense foot fetishes, I'm sure it's great, the guy loves feet and would likely rub your feet all the time, but if he's always trying to rub your feet with his dick it's little weird, but I guess a foot massage is a foot massage regardless of what he uses to massage it?! There ya have it, that's what I'm looking/not looking for in a guy. All men who qualify to fill this position, please line up, single file, in alphabetical order, please bring 3 references, and proof of employment, and the position I'm looking to fill vagina.

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