Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My love for AriZona Iced Tea and my hate for independent variety stores!

Sometimes I get really heated up over things, especially when a shitty variety store tries to charge nearly double the price for a 99 cent can of AriZona Iced Tea. I decided to contact the company itself to tell them what's up. Here is my email, followed by their response, which was an almost immediate reply, and a great reply, everyone should go buy some AriZona products right now!

Hi there, after an exhausting search to find the answer of what to do when a store sells your product for more than it's suggested retail price (which wasn't the answer I wanted) I need to ask you for your permission, but first let me explain. All through college I drank only your product, because it is cheap yet delicious! I still often get cravings for a nice cold iced tea, So, one cold stormy day in Canada I walked 5 mins to the store in a blizzard to stock up on my fav bevy, to only find out the variety store owner was charging 1.49 plus tax for your product that is labelled 99 cents, Da fuq!!!!? I got in a 22 minute argument with this man over it. Don't get me wrong, your product is worth way more than 99 cents, it's incredible. But this man is defecating on your company's mission statement of offering an affordable product! Yes, I could find another place to buy your products, but it pissed me off that he was taking advantage of consumers like that. So I'd like your permission to punch him in the throat while holding a can of your iced tea?Your website says retailers have the right to charge whatever for the products. But I plan on winning this battle one throat punch at a time! 

I love your drinks. Keep on keeping on! 

Leanne B

Here is the company's response:

Ha. So good.