Sunday, January 12, 2014

Why are people so ignorant...igna'ant I tellz ya!

This is not your usual Leanne type of blog post. Today I feel the need to rant about something serious. Today I ran into a woman I know who I spoke to a few weeks ago who had mentioned her daughter was getting married. When I saw her today I asked how the wedding went, she said it was beautiful but then she confessed to me that she lied to me previously about her daughter marrying her boyfriend, and that in fact her daughter married her girlfriend. And I said why would you lie about that, no one should care the sex of the person her daughter married. This woman, starts crying and telling me people didn't show up to the wedding because her daughter chose to marry a female. She also mentioned that in the past that when she mentioned her daughter was a lesbian that people have said rude things or abruptly ended the conversation. This broke my heart (what's left of this cold,cold heart). She told me her daughter and now daughter in law have been together since grade 9, went to college together, travelled the world together, and have been together for almost 17 years! They have been together longer than my hymen was attached to my vaginal wall. How the fuck can anyone question their love!? It pisses me off how people think same sex relationships are wrong. I'm a heterosexual female, and I've been in loveless, emotionally abusive and physically abusive relationships does that make my 'love'/relationships more superior than a same sex couple just because I have a vagina and the stupid men I've dated had a penis? Fuck no! Being single I know how hard it is to find love, to find someone to truly love you when times are good/bad, love you for everything you are and everything you aren't, and if someone can find someone to love them purely, how the hell can anyone judge that and try to belittle their joy?! Just because someone is gay doesn't mean they are going to lube up their dick in stick it in your ass, or pull down your pants and try to rub their taco with your taco and create and 2 taco dinner special. What people do in their bedroom affects them, and not you, if you knew half the weird stuff straight people were into you'd likely be more grossed out by that then you would some same sex play time. That will be all for today my friends. Stay tuned for your typical funny post!

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